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Full Name: Luna Tsuki

Name Meaning/Origin:
Luna - Screen name for everything, means moon in Latin.
Tsuki - Added in to create a difference between creator and fursona, used when talking about the sona and not the human, means moon in Japanese.

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Species: Kitsuneko/Dragon

She is shy, quiet with strangers, and cranky when tired. She’s pessimistic, a procrastinator, somewhat laid back but easily stressed still. She has been described by friends as the nicest person they know, always being honest and never wanting to hurt anyone. Though she is soft at heart she does like to tease and poke in good fun. Sadly she is also too self-conscious and cares a lot for how others see her. Horrible in crowds she prefers a quiet area to relax.

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff - "You might belong in Hufflepuff, / Where they are just and loyal, / Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, / And unafraid of toil"
Zodiac: Sagittarius ​

Gender: Female ⋆ Age: 22
Designer: Myself ⋆ Adopted From: Myself ⋆ Design Finished On: 2/6/13

Luna Tsuki


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